Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh yeah, he looks cute and innocent......

But he's not!!! Words can not explain this little boy!!! He must think that he is a puppy because he likes to escape out my moms doggie door, wait where is Trey?!? outside in the back yard eating rocks, how did he get there?! out the doggie door!! Besides escaping his interests also include climbing things no other child would think of and playing with knifes. I put my sharp knifes up high out of reach, but refer back to the climbing on things no other baby could possibly climb!! And he does it all with that innocent smile that melts my heart and looks at you with those mile long eye lashes!! He is going to get away with so much in life!!


Dane and Natalie said...

Sorry...Braden must have given him naughty lessons in Heaven. I'm pretty sure they are born like that. Bennett is a boy but nothing like Braden and Trey. Too bad they are so cute. It's their only defense sometimes! I love all the pictures and new posts. We miss you guys so much! Hailey looks so cute and happy. Keep em coming!

Scott Koenig said...

You just described Beckem perfectly (minus the doggie door because well, you know how Courtney feels about dogs!) We are always taking things away from Beckem (like remote controls, cups, knives...) so now he thinks we want them and he finds them and brings them to us, even if they were where they belong! Kindred spirits for sure.