Saturday, November 15, 2008



This is a week late, but better late than never. My name is Chris Thomas a lifetime Republican. I’ve served my country honorably for 9 years in the United States Marine Corps. I’ve spent time in more impoverished countries than I can count. I’ve been to war. I’ve seen bad things happen. I wouldn’t change a single thing that has happened to me because I know that because of what I’ve been through is the reason I am the person I am today. All that said I have to take offence to some things I’ve read and seen lately about our new President. Barrack Hussein Obama. You may not agree with what Mr. Obama stands for but you must believe that things can get better. I’ve read and watched on TV that Mr. Obama is a socialist. He’s gonna take money from the rich a give to the not-so-rich. That’s B.S. For my hardcore republicans that are still preaching this please explain to me how my party wasn’t doing this for the last year every time I went to fill up my mini van with $4.50 cheap gas and EXXON Mobile was allowed to report 4th quarter PROFITS of $400 Billion and not one single eyebrow was raised in D.C. during the republican regime. That seems a little like reverse socialism to me, but I digress…….. Please explain to me why we are still spending $40 Billion a month fighting a war in a country where there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction and they will never be free. Is it because we are afraid of Al Qaeda. I’m sorry but Al Qaeda didn’t live in Iraq until we started turning their backyards into glass. I’ve been there. I know how those people live. I do agree that Sadam was evil, but there are 20 more just like him all over the world . Should we go there next? Nope! Because Dick Cheany and Haliburton don’t have an interest in places like Darfur. For those who don’t know about Darfur it’s an area of Sudan. Sudan is in the country…I mean continent of Africa (sorry Gov Palin I was tired and all this typing made me confused) where almost a half a Million people have been exterminated for no reason. Probably twice that many have starved to death as well. There’s no business in places like that, but Iraq has Black Gold, Texas Tea whatever you’d like to call it and Haliburton has just the thing for that! Oh yea....2025 days since President Bush declared Mission Accomplished in Iraq. I’ll get off my soap box now because I could go on for a week and still not cover everything. Like our economy…..It’s funny how people can freak out about how the Democrats and Obama are gonna tax us and we’re all gonna be poor. Oh I’m sorry but under Clinton we had a surplus almost to the tune of $100 Billion a year. 8 years later we have an economy in the tank and a deficit of something around $700 Billion. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather pay an extra hundred dollars or two a year on my income taxes and know I’ve got a job tomorrow as to have what we have today. I’m sure the men and women at GM, Ford, Joe's Gas Station, Wonder Bread, ect., ect., feel the same.

If you watched the election on November 4th you should be proud of this country. Don’t be angry. We proved to the world that night that we’re back. Ready, once again, to lead the world. Did you see the celebrations the next morning from places like Cairo, Egypt, London, England, Tokyo, Japan. The world watched as the United States lifted one of it’s black clouds and elected a Black man President of the United States of America. Obama may not have been your choice, but don’t let his name or color scare you. We need to heal the black eye we have in the world and I believe he will do that.

Pray for our troops and our country……….

Chris Thomas
Proud Conservative Independent

p.s I don’t think President Obama will be aborting any babies with the guns he steals from us either. And if gays wanna get married they should have to suffer just like the rest of us.

That last one was a joke honey……I Love You Very Much!


Lisa M said...

Very well said Chris!!

MaRilla said...

Thanks for your input Chris. Before Obama was elected I was not sure what to think, but afterwards I have felt a little hope in the future. I think he can make a difference. I am proud to be an American! As for the socialist stuff- go Obama.

Suzy J said...

You're so sexy when you get all riled up! You do know that my dad was a green beret right? I love your freakin' guts!

Scott Koenig said...

Hey Chris - well said. Here's my take on this: The republicans hurt themselves by playing politics and trying to distance themselves from Bush. It was stupid politics because a candidate for president of a certain party has a hard time distancing themselves from their own party. It probably hurt Gore in 2000 as well. I don’t know how much of a difference it would have made, but I have to believe had McCain focused on the good that Bush has done such as making our nation safer from terrorist attacks and bringing us together in times of crisis that he would have garnered more votes. Instead the Republicans played the very same politics they said they would not play and accused the Democrats of playing. America got sick of it, making Obama not necessarily the right choice, but the lesser of two evils in my opinion.

As for the oil companies “record profits”, I think we need to look beyond the dollars and focus on profit margins. Profit=revenue-expenses so what happened with the oil companies to get these record profits – did their revenue go up? Yes. Did their expenses go up? Yes. So, they should be judged not by how much their revenue went up, but rather by the proportion revenue increased to expenses. I don’t know the answer, but it needs to be looked at before we judge the oil companies for being corrupt (although I agree Cheney has his little hand in something).

Anyway that’s my two cents – (which Obama said I can keep because I am poor so lucky me).

~ Scott K

Courtney said...

Hey Tiff I need your address! thanks1